Optimising Client Financial Limit

Most of our clients have a set annual budget that is typically utilised for the maintenance of existing roads ~ with very limited leeway available to upgrade those roads into better quality ones. Probase’s Public Private Partnership annuity gives these clients the opportunity to upgrade their roads into Probase roads within the limits of this fixed budget – thereby easing their financial limitations AND helping the client provide their stakeholders with better quality roads and improved connectivity. 

Probase | Road Construction | Better Roads Better Life Better Future

Probase Public Private Partnership Annuity and
Oil Palm Plantation
Smart Partnership

Probase’s smart financing programs is designed as a tripartite program involving Probase, the client and an appointed financial institution. Programs are tailor made to support governments (via the Public Private Partnership Annuity ) and private enterprises, particularly those in the oil palm plantations industry (via the Oil Palm Plantation Smart Partnership).

Supporting Local Communities

Road construction projects are a key contributor to the economy, in addition to providing sustainable job opportunities.

In accordance with our guiding values – Better Roads, Better Life & Better Future – and in alignment with relevant United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are committed to doing all we can to ensure the benefits of road construction are felt throughout the communities in which we serve and beyond.


Probase has a strong undertaking in social responsibility.

In addition to providing long term, sustainable employment opportunities for local communities surrounding the road construction or upgrading projects, Probase also undertakes the responsibility to uplift the labour force with valuable knowledge and technology transfer.

Research Collaboration with Universities


With over 22 years of experience in road building technologies, Probase has a wealth of knowledge that can be leveraged by institutes of higher learning. By embarking in research collaborations with local universities (such as Universiti Tun Hussein Onn in 2013), this body of knowledge can continue to be enriched with findings that may go on to further improve our offerings and the road building industry at large.

Building Economic Opportunities


Probase roads contribute directly to poverty alleviation  by providing the necessary infrastructure communities need to transport their goods and crops to market.

To further improve this direct benefit, Probase is currently introducing the sacha inchi crop to suitable farming communities. Once adopted, this crop will contribute greatly to an improvement in the farmer’s income and productivity.